Do you have big dreams and desires that you want to make a reality through the power of manifesting and The Universal Laws? I get it! You’re not alone, since more and more people become aware of the inner power they possess. If you resonate, this post is for you! I will share 13 mistakes to avoid if you want to attract what you want in life. Stay tuned!
Why manifesting what you want isn’t always easy
If you’ve been here on the blog for a while, you know by now that I’m all about simplicity. Well, the same goes for manifestation. Yes it does.
However, manifesting what you want in life isn’t always an easy ride…
And now I’ll tell you something that you might don’t like. But it’s an important one, so bare with me and be open to what I have to say. Ok?
You, my friend, are the one responsible for YOUR manifestations, including results.
When you think that it’s complicated or hard to attract what you want, it’s because YOU make it complicated and hard.
Nobody else is the creator of your life, right?
It can be so “easy” that you’ve told yourself that manifesting what you want in life is hard.
Another word for this is called belief, and more correctly – limiting belief .
If you are like most people, you surely have other limiting beliefs, too. Limiting beliefs are thoughts that you continue to think. Thoughts that are true for you, but for which you can find evidence of the opposite if you take a closer look…
What mistakes prevent you from attracting what you want?
We’ve already identified one of the 13 mistakes, but I’ll list it here anyway.
So, let me share 13 mistakes that will be holding you back from manifesting what you want in life. Are you ready?
- You let limiting beliefs dictate what’s possible and what’s not
What you have to do is to identify your limiting beliefs and replace them with new, fresh ones. Beliefs that empowers.
Not before you’ve identified and removed them, you won’t be able to attract what you want into your physical realm. - You are manifesting from a state of neediness/lack.
By doing so, you’ll only manifest more of the same into your life. When you manifest when you really NEED something, like yesterday, you are manifesting from a desperate state. From a state of lack. Which will get you more…. lack.
- Negative thoughts are occupying your mind a lot.
Remember, what you focus on expands. Negative thoughts and feelings will get you more things/events/circumstances etc that will keep you in that negative state.
- Jealousy of others who have what you want to have.
If you want to attract what you want, you can’t go around in life feeling jealous of others. That will only give you more in your life to feel jealous for…
- Complaining
If you want to be manifesting what you want in your life, it’s not a good idea to complain about this and that… By doing so, guess what? Well, I assume you guess it right! You’ll receive more in your life to complain about…
- Focus on what you don’t want
I’ve already mentioned this partially, but it’s definitely worth mentioning again. This is a biggie, and one of the most common reasons that people stay stuck without getting any results. When you focus on what you don’t want, you can’t get what you do want. As simple as that.
- Having unclear, vague and/or random desires
To attract what you want, you will want to have a clear intention of what it is that you want. Remember, if your desire is unclear/vague and/or random, you’ll end up receiving vague, sporadic or random results in your life…
- Boredom
If you feel bored, and it feels like nothing’s enjoyable in your life – chances are that you’ll be receiving more circumstances that will enhance your feeling of boredom…
- Self-doubt
Oh yes, now we’re talking! This is so common and so important too! If you’re doubting yourself and your ability to attract what you want in your life, how can you possibly do it?
- Wanting to manifest the lottery jackpot
This one is something that keep so many people stuck without getting any results. By wanting to manifest the lottery jackpot, you’re bothering on HOW & WHEN your desire will manifest. And that’s not your job… That will limit yourself in so many ways. So, just skip this one. OK?
- Going from broke to wanting to attract $10 million instantly
If you’ve been here for a while, you’re familiar with me telling you to start manifesting something small and then raise the bar as you progress. Unless you already have a million or something like that, I strongly encourage you to start out with something smaller so that you can trust the process and start getting results.
- Hate and anger
By putting your energy on these low vibrating feelings, you won’t be able to attract what you want. Instead, you’ll attract more things/circumstances/persons to feel these kind of feelings for…
- Disliking your current situation in life
No matter your situation, gratitude for what you do have is key if you want to be manifesting what you want. Remember, what you focus on expands – and by disliking where you are now, guess what….
Manifesting what you want – these are the steps
Now that you have the 13 things to be aware of and avoid if you want to attract what you want, let’s recap the steps in the manifestation process in short:
- First, you have to be crystal clear on what it is that you want to manifest.
- Second, you visualize and imagine yourself having that desire now, already manifested. Be playful and have fun while doing it!
- Third, it’s crucial to let go of how and when your desire will show up in your life. Remember, it’s not your job to deal with that. It’s the Universe’s job…
- Forth, some kind of inspired action is most often required. No quantum leap is required, just a tiny baby-step is often all that’s needed. Note that inner work also counts as action…
And… don’t forget that GRATITUDE work wonders!

Summary – Manifesting what you want – Avoid this!
- Don’t let limiting beliefs dictate what’s possible and what’s not. Identify what beliefs you have that are limiting and replace them with new, empowering ones.
- Manifesting from a state of lack… this will make you receive more lack…
- Don’t let negative thoughts occupy your mind.
- Jealousy on others who are more abundant/successful than you…
- Complaining!
- Focusing on what you DON’T want...
- Having unclear, vague and/or random desires – in other words, don’t really knowing what you want…
- Boredom. Remember, what you focus on expands… If you’re focusing on how bored you are, you’ll only receive more in your life to feel bored about. Not so funny, right?
- Self-doubt. How could you be manifesting what you want if you don’t believe that you have what it takes?
- Lottery jackpots… Just…don’t. OK? I see this ALL THE TIME, people who aiming for the lottery jackpot. That’s really to bother on HOW & WHEN, and that’s not your job…
- Starting with something enormous at first. If you don’t have a million in your bank account already, going for $10 million may not be the way to go… If you don’t have a lot of money already, how could you feel like you’ll feel when having that money?
- Wasting time and energy on hate and anger. This will only put you in a low-vibe mode. Which isn’t beneficial if you want to be manifesting what you want.
- Being unhappy with your current situation in life isn’t great if you want to manifest successfully, unless you’ll receive more to feeling unhappy about.
I hope you found this post helpful.
You have so much potential, if you only knew…
I believe in you!
With love, light & gratitude

PS: If you haven’t taken my FREE 7-Day Manifesting Challenge yet, go ahead and do it HERE!
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