manifest what you want in life

Are you holding yourself back from manifesting what you want life?

On one hand you want to manifest the life of your dreams. Plenty of money and abundance, love and health. But on the other hand, you doubt your ability to actually make all of this happen. The question is, how do you know if you’re holding yourself back from manifesting what you want in life?

Do you know what you want?

The first but oh so important question is: Do you know what it is that you want? In order to manifest what you want in life, you have to be crystal clear on your desire.

When you are clear and specific, you’re ready to go!

Remember that vague and/or random desires will create vague and/or random results. The more specific you can be, the better.

It’s not that complicated.

Things you don’t want

An important clue in the manifestation puzzle is things, events and circumstances that you don’t want.

A mistake many people tend to do is that they dwell on these things, over and over. They feel like victims for experiencing difficult situations in life.

Don’t let that be you.

What can avoid you from manifesting what you want in life?

Some examples of situations that will be holding you back from manifesting what you want in life are:

  • Dwelling on the unwanted
  • Having the lack perspective on and focusing on what you don’t have
  • Complaining on how difficult life is, in different ways.
  • Feeling jealous of others who are having what you want to have
  • Talking negatively about other people behind their back

Dwelling & Complaining

By keeping on dwelling Instead of dwelling on the unwanted, embrace it. Feel grateful, because – by acknowledging what you DON’T want – you also right there and then know what you DO WANT. How great isn’t that?

Focusing on lack

If you always focus on the absence of what you want, LACK, you will receive more lack. This mindset will keep you in a lack perspective rabbit hole that doesn’t serve you a all. If you resonate with this category, try to make a shift as fast as you can.


By feeling jealous of others, you will only get more to feel jealous of. Feel happy for successful and wealthy people instead! See their success as proof of what’s possible!

Talking about others behind their back

Well, you won’t manifest what you want in life by trash-talking about other people! What goes around, comes around…

For each and every one of these examples listed above goes the same thing: What you focus on expands. You’ll receive more of what you focus on.

By focusing on the unwanted, you’ll end up manifesting more of that into your reality.

And I guess that’s not helpful, when you want to manifest what you want in your life. Right?

And one more thing. These examples listed above also set you in low vibe. If you’ve been with me here on this blog for a while, you know that you want to vibrate high, to manifest successfully.

Read about why you manifest what you don’t want and how do you do when your desire doesn’t manifest.

Limiting beliefs plays a big part

This is a biggie, for sure!

What you imagine, you create. You see, YOU set the limits for what’s possible to manifest. And if you want to manifest what you want in life, then you need to pay attention.

Your beliefs can make or break your manifestations.

Ask yourself what story you keep on telling yourself.

Do you think you’re worthy? That you have what it takes? Or, is it the opposite?

Only you know, and only you can do something about it. And you should.

Your limiting beliefs often come from your childhood. You can look back to your childhood, how was it when you grew up? What phrases did your parents tell you around money and success?

These beliefs get rooted in your subconscious and can be holding you back from manifesting what you want in life. Unless you identify them and replace them with new, empowering ones.

Change direction and start manifest what you want in life

No matter what beliefs you have, you can decide to make a change. You can set the GPS of your life on any coordinate you want.

Start telling yourself that ANYTHING is possible.

You can be, do or have anything you set your mind to. As long as you believe it!

And – as long as you actually focus on what you DO want, not the absence of it.

Because you can manifest what you want in life, no matter how you look or where you’re from.

Summary – Are you stuck from manifesting what you want in life?

So, let’s summarize what we’ve covered here in this post.

  1. As with any kind of manifestation, clarity is key. Be crystal clear on what you want.
  2. When you’re experiencing things and events that you DON’T want, that are unwanted – embrace them. By knowing what you DON’T want, you automatically know what you DO WANT!
  3. Dwelling, complaining, talking about others behind their back and jealousy and focusing on lack are examples of what will be holding you back from manifesting what you want in life. Not only that, you’ll get stuck in low vibe too.
  4. Your beliefs are more important than you think. You often inherit your beliefs. It’s key to identify limiting beliefs in order to replace them with new, empowering ones.
  5. You are the creator, the artist of your life. And you can get unstuck now today by starting to BELIEVE that you do have what it takes. That you don’t have to limit yourself. That you can manifest what you want in your life, no matter how you look or where you’re from.

You can do this. I believe in you!

With love and light,



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